Kritik mot Wolframs bok

Kritik riktas mot Stephen Wolframs bok A new kind of science av Ray Kurzweil. Bland kommentarerna till recensionen märks bland annat följande inlägg: One thing strikes me: we computer people are always trying to shoehorn ontology into a computerized box–oftentimes, we see computing as the most fundamental idea in the universe. Of course, we’re not alone in this–I know biologists who believe that some form of natural selection is actually the fundamental truth, and I’ve known economists who saw markets everywhere in nature. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that we know a lot less than we think–and I’d be surprised if Wolfram has found the Holy Grail yet

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Ett svar på Kritik mot Wolframs bok

  1. Alexey skriver:

    Dear Prof Stephen Wolfram!

    My name is Fomin Alexey. I from Kyrgizstan.
    I very interesting your book ”A New Kind of Science”.
    I was very much surprised that there is a universal approach for the solution of different problems at the solution of the differential equations.
    If admit – I very much envy to you. I amazes and admires versatilly of your interests. I very highly appreciate it. I very much envy a plenty of papes, which you already having time to make. (It is a shame to me to admit, but I already 30 yes old and It is possible to consider that do not have any pape). It is hardly trusted to me, that one man is capable to create so highly intellectual yield as ”matematica” and deeply to unmade in the most different questions of theoretical physics. When I have cknowed, that you also deeply know a quantum theory of a field and cosmology – I became not on itself.
    On some seconds I have thought, that I anything never shall achieve and that all my diligence are absolutely useless.

    Nevertheless I have subject of pride. It seems, that I have thought up an explanation of Bell’s inequality vaolation within the framework of the local realistic theory. Now I write relevant pape.

    I try to work absolutely self-maintainedly and independent too. Your example very much inspires me.
    Other part of my operation is interlinked to the description deep inelastic collisions. My scientific principal has unclosed effective model for it description: ”supernonequilibrium thermodynamics model” ( here for example: Grashin A.F. Lepeshkin M.V. Phys. Lett. B 146 1984 11 ) . It is almost empirical model.
    I try construct some theory to it explanation (For some reasons I do not hold communication with my scientific principal now and I work self-maintainedly).
    In this connection I need to answer a question: whether will give thermal ”noise” in potential of a Schrodinger equation that the quantum wave package will not be dilated. This problem has reduced to Schrodinger – like equation withe stochsastic potential. In this problem it is necessary to find a medial density matrix on fluctuations of potential when t – > oo. I did not anywhere manage to find the analytical answer. While numerical methods has appeared difficult for me (I have not got appropriate exact algorithm). Though I have found the program in internet, which can numerically solve the similar equations ( But I has not understood with programming it yet too (besides it will not give the answers to some other questions, interesting for me).
    When I has learned about the ”New Kind of Science” book – there wase hope to me appeared. I hope to find methods of the solution of the stochastic equations in it. But I not sure if it realy can be.
    Unfortunately I have not opportunity to buy it. Therefore I has decided to contact to you and to ask to send me book electronic variant. I hope, that I shall understand more in detail in book and it will appear useful for my problem.


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