Google, media och blogging

Mer om Googles köp av Pyra Labs: ”This leads me to speculate that Google’s acquisition is part of a drive to bring a decentralized content portal to the world based solely on computer algorithms and a wide spreading network effect. I’m talking about a move beyond Google News into infomediary on a wide range of topics. If Google’s recent labs and acquisitions are any indicators they are pushing for a much larger metaphor than search engines. Tied with their price comparison engines and targetted advertising it may be the most successful commercial infomediary with a cost base that will be to web-publishing what Dell’s assembly is to computer manufacturing: unbeatable.” Läs mer pÃ¥ Monkey X.

Tja, vem vet? Men om sådana storskaliga planer ska komma till stånd borde de väl också ha en strategi för att knyta bloggar drivna med andra bloggverktyg till sig?

Här finns ett inlägg pÃ¥ Slashdot som hävdar att köpet ger Google hundratusentals känselspröt vars länkmönster och skrivande kan användas för att förbättra Googles automatiska nyhetsrapportering genom datamining: ”So, now that they own Blogger and Blogspot, they basically have full-on, back-end access to all these blogs. They don’t have to crawl websites to get information on what people are linking to (or what they say about those things). They can just pull it out of the (probably more-easily-interpreted) databases. Heck, they can even directly get activity data, and find out what things are being blogged in realtime (and thereby improve the quality of their news, as well as web, search results).

This isn’t about Google pumping up Blogger, or BlogSpot. This is about them acquiring direct access to blog data.” Ungefär som Ben Hammersley säger: en miljon Zeitgeistbevakare har anslutits till Google. [Länk via mymarkup]

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