Den senaste veckan har det, som flera pÃ¥pekat, börjat hända en massa saker i den svenska bloggosfären, sweblogsinitiativen haglar. Även i USA händer det saker: ett bloggmöte har precis avslutats med en paneldebatt där deltagarna ”disagree on plenty, but agree that this is the year that weblogs will hit the mainstream. For-profit blogs and commercial blogging services start now. How this will transform what we know as egalitarian, anarchic, grassroots blogging culture — and mainstream media — remains to be seen. At the end of an historic day when millions of people worldwide took free speech to the streets, it seems particularly fitting to be exploring the power and impact of cheap, instant, easy online publishing.” Läs mer pÃ¥ boingboing.
Sometimes there’s just nothing you can do about it