Läkemedelsbolagen och forskningen

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The author’s account clearly shows that the pharmaceutical industry has developed deep inroads of influence into the research and health care communities. Through funding of research and perks such as paid consultancy positions (often for surprisingly little or no work), speaking engagements, and seats on corporate advisory boards, companies have established relations with many, if not the majority, of the leading members of the research community–including scientists in U.S. government agencies such as the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration. Similarly, industry has built extensive ties to physicians through low-value gifts (such as pens, coffee mugs, mouse pads, and pizza) and more lavish enticements (such as free dinners at expensive restaurants, trips to exotic locations, and support for continuing medical education). At the institutional level, connections also link industry to physician associations, entire universities, and the leaders of prestigious government agencies.

Eric G. Campbell recenserar Jerome P. Kassirer, On the take: How medicine’s complicity with big business can endanger your health (Oxford University Press, 2004).

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