Vetenskapskommunikation och bloggar

Similar exercises could aid researchers working on nanotechnology and transgenic crops, and other fields with a high media profile. Nature encourages scientists in these disciplines to consider setting up their own blogs, but also to monitor the progress of RealClimate. The site needs to balance speed with objectivity, readability and accuracy. That’s no mean feat. Fail, and the blog will be dismissed as no more trustworthy than the myriad lobbying groups already writing on climate. But if the site’s founders pull it off, they could change the coverage of climate change for the better. Good luck to them.

Nature uppmärksammar klimatbloggen Real Climate och ser den som ett testcase för forskarbloggar i andra områden.

Relaterat hos Erik.

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Ett svar på Vetenskapskommunikation och bloggar

  1. Bengt skriver:

    Trevligt med fler forskarbloggar att besöka och att du har tid att blogga…

    Kanske du skulle ta med
    sÃ¥ har man referenser till om man vill kolla upp statistik eller liknande…

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