En doktorandtjänst i vetenskapshistoria är utlyst i Wien:
– Successful applicants will have a master’s degree (or equivalent) in history of science or a related discipline (diploma must be available by the date of employment).
– They have a good command of several fields within the history of science, and an excellent command of key methods; an additional expertise in historical/political epistemology or epistemic decolonization is of advantage.
– Ideally, they have a research focus on colonial sciences (ethnology, agricultural sciences, etc.) or a geographical specialization in for example Asia or Oceania.
– During the initial period, fluency in German must be documented; spoken and written English is likewise important for the day-to-day work in our team. Language acquisition, especially of non-European languages, will be supported during the employment period.
Sista ansökningsdag: 28 november. Läs mer här.
Det finns även doktorandtjänster i flera andra historiska fält utlysta i Wien för närvarande, läs mer här.