Tre doktorandtjänster är utlysta vid Avdelningen för historiska studier av teknik, vetenskap och miljö, KTH:
The PhD education takes place in the ERC-funded project “The Rise of Global Environmental Governance: A History of the Contemporary Human-Earth Relationship†(GLOBEGOV). GLOBEGOV is a historical study of how humanity’s relation to planetary conditions and constraints became understood as a governance issue since the twentieth century. The key argument is that Global Environmental Governance (GEG) is inseparable from the rise of a planetary Earth systems science and understanding of global change that has affected international politics and broad communities of practice.
The project will study international, regional and national organizations, including governments, businesses, universities, and Non-Governmental Organizations, that have played roles in GEG. Research in GLOBEGOV will be based on multiple sources: archives, libraries, databases, other collections, the world wide web, and interviews with politicians, diplomats, civil servants, scholars and scientists, activists, members of NGOs, business leaders or representatives, journalists, or others.
Sökande från flera relevanta historiska fält välkomnas enligt utlysningen, som även lyfter fram språkkunskaper i andra språk än engelska och erfarenhet av arkivstudier som meriteringsgrunder.
Deadline: 15 augusti. Utlysningstexten finns här och här kan man läsa mer om det miljöhistoriska program, GLOBEGOV, som tjänsterna ingår i.