Någonstans där den starka staten, de starka företagen, sjukvården, individens rättigheter, deliberativ demokrati-ansatser i forskningspolitiken och forskningens framsteg överlappar finns biobanker. Nu kommer en intressant konferens om det här i Wien:
This interdisciplinary conference focuses on the governance of biobanks. Biobanks constitute a new challenge for governance, and can themselves be understood as new forms of governing bodies and populations. Biobanks are an important element in the new biopolitical order in which self-guidance through active citizens is as significant as state-led strategies of population politics, body monitoring, the rise of the new bio-economy, and the redefinition of citizenship. Biobanks, thus, cannot be disconnected from considerations of power, resistance, ethics, politics, and the reshaping of current practices in biomedical governance. The various presentations at the conference will address these topics based on empirical case studies. Our main objective will be to identify emerging patterns of biobank governance, and their implications for science, society, politics, and culture
Frågan har bland annat varit aktuell i Västerbottens landsting och Uman Genomics, som bland andra Hilary Rose skrivit om.
[via Thomas.]