The conference will bring together academics, researchers, health professionals, health managers, journalists, writers and consumers who share an interest and concern over the trend to corporate definitions of diseases with a primary interest in making profits rather than a concern for the public health.
Konferensen heter Disease mongering och pågår för tillfället i Newcastle (Australien).
Här finns konferensens abstracts; bland annat verkar Nicolas Rasmussens bidrag intressant, det handlar om hur läkemedelsindustrin lärde sig ”to manipulate the research literature through their sponsorship initiatives”, med empiri hämtat frÃ¥n lanseringen av amfetamin pÃ¥ 1930-talet som antidepressiv medicin. Rasmussen ”further suggest that such pharmaceutical disease-mongering can have long-term impacts on medical knowledge”.
PLoS Medicine publicerar elva av konferensens papper.
hi nice site.