Typepad nere

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Har ni som kör Typepad fått någon förklaring?

Det här inlägget postades i Blogging. Bokmärk permalänken.

2 svar på Typepad nere

  1. Dag skriver:

    Det verkar som att de har haft en schemalagd nedtagning under två timmar idag.

  2. Marcus skriver:


    Scheduled Downtime June 12, 2004
    To fix some routing issues that have caused slowness in the ”Add me to your TypePad People List” feature, we’re scheduling some network maintenance for the early morning of Saturday, June 12, 2004, from 12:00am to 2:00am Pacific time. During at least part of that time, TypePad-powered sites and TypePad itself will be down for maintenance. It’s quite likely that the actual downtime will be much shorter, but we want to allow for any issues that may arise. Thanks for your patience!

    Update, 1am: completed.

    Update, 5:30am: we experienced some unscheduled downtime from about 3:30am-5:15am Pacific time on Saturday, June 12, 2004, which we believe to be tangentially related to the network maintenance above. We’ve now brought all of the systems back up, and we’ll be monitoring the service closely for any problems.

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