
Jag pÃ¥började en liten länklista med kritik och diskussion kring Powerpoint (kul söndag, jag vet …) Men det finns ju redan en mycket god sÃ¥dan lista, som jag länkar till istället: Powerpointless?”.

Ett par fynd utöver listan:

Of course, I don’t use any of the templates that come with PowerPoint itself — otherwise, the presentation looks like PowerPoint and the mob will (quite rightly) rise up and tear me to pieces. Instead, I create my own templates, with strong background colours and subtly shadowed text and absolutely no text flying-in effects.

I often use animated diagrams, and have found that the easiest way to do that is simply to create the individual frames of the animation and then paste them into a series of identical copies of a slide. Then you have complete control over the animation using just the regular navigation keys.

Från The Conway Channel

och den här:

Larry Lessig does a kick-ass job with his slides. I’ve been paying close attention to how people use slides in their presentations, and I’ve found that what I like the most is something that I do not do: many carefully planned slides, each wiith a single point to be made. Go through the slides quickly. Some of Lessig’s slides had only one word or image. He kept coming back to a refrain of four to six slides, with little riffs on his theme.

Från Sam Buchanans blog.

En bild, ett ord per ruta.

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