URL:ar i fotnoter

Ever printed out a web page, only to read the printout later and wish you knew what the hypertext you were seeing was actually linking to? Well, me too – and I decided to do something about it too – a bookmarklet that converts all text hyperlinks into footnotes, and lists out their URLs at the bottom of the page – nice, printable, and relies on good old numeric footnote matching (you do still read books with footnotes, right?).

Eintagsfliegen gör oss en tjänst. (Endast IE.)

[Via Alex Soojung-Kim Pang.]

Det här inlägget postades i Webbstudier. Bokmärk permalänken.

Ett svar på URL:ar i fotnoter

  1. Kennel story, Basset Hound standard, News, Our dogs, Dog Shows, Photos, Puppies, Litters, Basset Hound otherwise, Contact, Shop…

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