Ubiquitous computing och privacy, framtidsvisioner, MIT Medialab, real-time scholarship, bitar och atomer, stadsplanering: The Guardian skriver om William Mitchell och hans nya bok Me++: The Cyborg Self and the Networked City (MIT Press).
Ubiquitous computing och privacy, framtidsvisioner, MIT Medialab, real-time scholarship, bitar och atomer, stadsplanering: The Guardian skriver om William Mitchell och hans nya bok Me++: The Cyborg Self and the Networked City (MIT Press).
Ett par personer har bloggat ett föredrag av Mitchell i London:
Jag gillar det här: ”one of his arguments is that we will move away from buildings that were created with 20th century technology in mind – and into an architectural future that is more pre-industrial in some ways – as human needs become more inscribed within the design fabric. as the technology gets better, it gets smaller and wireless – so physical infrastructure for phones, computers etc won’t be necessary. buildings will become ”sensate”, more organic – they will have digital nervous systems.”