En i raden av alla recensioner av Mac OS X 10.3. Det här verkar ju bra:
In terms of pure productivity power, Panther’s most important perk is a new anti-window-clutter feature called Exposé. When you press a certain keystroke (of your choosing), all windows in all programs visibly shrink and array themselves across the screen like non-overlapping tiles. You just click the one you want to bring it forward at full size. This visual method of plucking a window from a haystack is so brilliant and addictive, you’ll wind up using it dozens of times a day. Exposé is the biggest graphical breakthrough that operating systems have achieved in years.
Exposé och Fast User Switching gör uppgraderingen väl värd pengarna, men det är helt klart det största klivet uppåt någonsin i Mac OS X historia. Jag har kört den developer seed som blev golden master i en vecka nu och jag hittar fortfarande nya användbara detaljer.