Kvinnor, män och social software

”the reason blogging has caught on so quickly among both men and women is the significant role that women (like Meg Hourihan and Mena Trott) have played in developing and deploying the technology. Sounds plausible to me.

But when I look at the industry conferences related to social software, I see a distressingly small number of female faces.

What this is about is my wish that more women wanted to be a part of this process, and that?s a chicken-and-egg issue. If we want young women to become a part of this new world of tool development and deployment, we need visible role models. They need to see that there are real women in real jobs with real lives doing these things. The stereotypes of the industry are incredibly damaging in this regard.” Elisabeth Lane Lawley skriver och länkar om kvinnor och social software.

Det här inlägget postades i Blogging. Bokmärk permalänken.

3 svar på Kvinnor, män och social software

  1. meg skriver:

    As a first-time visitor I would say gently that one part of what you say stands out

    ”If we want young women to become a part of this new world of tool development and deployment, we need visible role models. ”

    Young women.

    How young is young? Do all tool developers have to be young or only female developers?

    Count me out?

    It’s a nit. But the stereotypical young gun is both young and male. Do we need to separate developers by age and gender?

  2. Gustav Holmberg skriver:

    Its a quote from Liz Lawley – you should post your comment there.

  3. meg skriver:

    Oops. Didn’t realized that the entire entry was a quote (saw the open quote but missed the end quote).

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