
Socialist realism in the works of Cage

John T. Dahmus
Department of Literature, Carnegie-Mellon University
Barbara H. V. Hanfkopf
Department of Peace Studies, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

1. Tarantino and Sartreist existentialism

The main theme of Parry’s[1] model of neotextual desublimation is not discourse, but prediscourse. It could be said that von Ludwig[2] implies that we have to choose between semioticist narrative and the postconstructive paradigm of reality.

In the works of Gibson, a predominant concept is the distinction between ground and figure. The subject is contextualised into a capitalist predialectic theory that includes sexuality as a paradox. In a sense, in Idoru, Gibson affirms the cultural paradigm of expression; in Neuromancer he examines neotextual desublimation.

The subject is interpolated into a socialist realism that includes art as a whole. However, subcapitalist objectivism suggests that reality is capable of intentionality.

If capitalist predialectic theory holds, the works of Gibson are postmodern. Therefore, the subject is contextualised into a neotextual desublimation that includes consciousness as a reality.

Lyotard promotes the use of socialist realism to deconstruct class divisions. Thus, the subject is interpolated into a neotextual desublimation that includes sexuality as a paradox.

2. Narratives of collapse

The primary theme of the works of Gibson is a self-falsifying whole. The defining characteristic, and subsequent failure, of capitalist predialectic theory which is a central theme of Gibson’s All Tomorrow’s Parties is also evident in Mona Lisa Overdrive, although in a more structural sense. But the characteristic theme of Sargeant’s[3] analysis of socialist realism is not, in fact, theory, but subtheory.

If one examines textual neodialectic theory, one is faced with a choice: either accept socialist realism or conclude that the significance of the participant is significant form. Hubbard[4] implies that the works of Gibson are an example of mythopoetical Marxism. In a sense, Marx’s model of capitalist predialectic theory holds that reality serves to marginalize the Other.

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2 svar på Hyperteori

  1. Klipspringer skriver:

    (Stor suck av lättnad) Jag läste paragraf 1 och 2 och trodde att det var paa allvar….

    Jag har tidigare använt The Postmodern Generator med stor framgaang. En liknande, dock mera down-to-earth maskin finns paa http://psychonaut.nu/klyscherizer



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