Polen och IT

Lecdh Walesa menar att kommunikationsteknologier betydde mycket för att kasta kommunismen över ända. Wired intervjuar honom per telefon och då inträffar detta:

WN: Do you believe that the use of technology — such as Carnivore or Echelon — by democratic governments to spy on personal communications is any worse than totalitarian attempts to do the same?

(At this point in the interview, the phone went dead and immediate attempts to call Walesa back were unsuccessful. His subsequent answers were sent by e-mail).

Konspirationsteoretiker: sätt igång!

Läs mer på Lech Walesa: Tech Freedom Fighter. The former Gdansk shipyard electrician who helped free Poland from the grip of communism believes technology, particularly communications tech, played a huge role as well. By Julia Scheeres. [Wired News]

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